How to Fix Dried Out Mascara: A Comprehensive Guide

Mascara is a staple in many makeup routines, instantly enhancing the lashes for a more defined look. However, nothing is more frustrating than reaching for your favorite mascara only to find it’s dried out. Fortunately, there are several ways to revive your dried-out mascara and extend its life. This comprehensive guide will walk you through everything you need to know about fixing dried-out mascara.

MascaraUnderstanding Why Mascara Dries Out

Common Causes

Exposure to Air: Every time you open and close your mascara tube, air enters and dries out the product.

Pump Action: Pumping the wand in and out of the tube introduces even more air, accelerating the drying process.

Old Product: Mascara typically has a shelf life of 3-6 months. Over time, even with proper care, it can still dry out.

Frequent Use: Continuous use can also lead to the mascara drying out faster due to frequent exposure to air.

Signs of Dried Out Mascara

Clumpy Texture: The mascara becomes clumpy and difficult to apply smoothly.

Difficult Application: The wand feels stiff, and the product doesn’t coat the lashes evenly.

Flaking and Smudging: Dried-out mascara is more likely to flake and smudge throughout the day.

Materials and Tools Needed

Essential Materials

  • Eye drops or saline solution
  • Warm water
  • Contact lens solution
  • Aloe vera gel
  • Baby oil or coconut oil

Essential Tools

  • Small bowl
  • Clean mascara wand
  • Microwave-safe cup
  • Measuring spoons or dropper

MascaraMethods to Fix Dried Out Mascara

Method 1: Eye Drops or Saline Solution


  1. Add Drops: Place 1-2 drops of eye drops or saline solution into the mascara tube. Avoid overdoing it, as too much liquid can make the mascara too runny.
  2. Mix: Insert the wand and close the tube. Swirl the wand inside the tube to mix the liquid with the mascara.
  3. Test and Adjust: Test the consistency. If needed, add another drop and repeat the process until the mascara reaches the desired consistency.

Method 2: Warm Water


  1. Fill a Bowl: Fill a small bowl with warm water. The water should be hot but not boiling.
  2. Submerge the Tube: Place the closed mascara tube in the bowl of warm water. Let it sit for about 5 minutes.
  3. Mix: Remove the tube and shake it well. The warmth should help soften the product inside.
  4. Test Application: Test the mascara. If it’s still too thick, repeat the process.

Method 3: Contact Lens Solution


  1. Add Solution: Add 1-2 drops of contact lens solution to the mascara tube. This solution is designed to be safe for eyes and can help rehydrate the mascara.
  2. Mix: Close the tube and swirl the wand to mix the solution into the mascara.
  3. Check Consistency: Test the consistency by applying the mascara. Add another drop if necessary.

Method 4: Aloe Vera Gel


  1. Add Gel: Use a clean pipette or dropper to add a small drop (about a pea-sized amount) of aloe vera gel into the mascara tube.
  2. Mix: Insert the wand and close the tube. Swirl the wand to mix the gel into the mascara.
  3. Test Application: Test the mascara. Aloe vera gel not only rehydrates but also conditions the lashes.

Method 5: Baby Oil or Coconut Oil


  1. Add Oil: Using a clean dropper, add 1 drop of baby oil or melted coconut oil into the mascara tube. Avoid using too much, as oil can separate from the mascara over time.
  2. Mix: Close the tube and swirl the wand to mix the oil with the mascara.
  3. Test Consistency: Apply a bit to your lashes to check for the desired consistency. If too oily, add very small amounts at a time.

MascaraAdditional Tips and Tricks

How to fix dried out mascara

Preventing Mascara from Drying Out

Avoid Pumping the Wand: Instead of pumping, twist the wand inside the tube to reduce air exposure.

Keep It Closed: Always make sure the cap is tightly closed after each use to prevent air from entering.

Proper Storage

Cool, Dry Place: Store mascara in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and heat sources.

Avoid Bathroom Storage: Humidity in bathrooms can affect the product’s consistency.

Use a Clean Wand

Regular Cleaning: Clean the mascara wand regularly to avoid clumping and ensure smooth application.

Disposable Wands: Use disposable mascara wands to keep your original wand clean and prevent contamination.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Adding Too Much Liquid

Ruining Consistency: Too much liquid can make the mascara runny and ineffective.

Possible Contamination: Avoid using homemade or untested liquids that can cause eye irritation.

Using Unsuitable Ingredients

Unsafe Additives: Never use alcohol, water directly from the tap, or other substances not designed for eye use.

Preservative Issues: Using products that lack preservatives can lead to bacterial growth and eye infections.

Ignoring Expiration Date

Health Risks: Mascara can harbor bacteria over time, increasing the risk of eye infections. It’s best to replace mascara every 3-6 months.

Troubleshooting Common Problems

How to fix dried out mascara

Mascara Still Clumpy

Repeat Heating Method: If your mascara is still clumpy after trying one method, try submerging it in warm water again.

Thin with a Drop: Add a very small amount more of saline solution or eye drops, mix thoroughly, and test again.

Mascara Remains Too Thin

Let It Rest: If you’ve added too much liquid, leave the mascara tube open for a few hours in a safe place. Some liquid will evaporate, thickening the product.

Start with Less: Always start with fewer drops; you can always add more if needed.

Mascara Irritates Eyes

Check Ingredients: Ensure you are using safe, eye-approved ingredients. If irritation persists, discontinue use immediately.

Replace if Necessary: If the mascara continues to cause irritation, it’s best to discard it and replace it with a new one.

MascaraExperimenting with Different Fixes

How to fix dried out mascara

Combining Methods

Customize Solution: Sometimes, combining a few drops of saline with a touch of baby oil can provide a balanced moisture level, reviving your mascara more effectively.

Trial and Error: Don’t be afraid to experiment with different methods and combinations to find what works best for your specific mascara formula.

Recording Results

Take Notes: Keep track of which methods worked best for specific mascara brands or formulas you use. This helps streamline the process in the future.

Sharing Tips

Community Input: Engage with online beauty communities or forums to share your experiences and discover new tips for fixing dried-out mascara.

Safety Precautions

Health Comes First

Monitor Changes: Always observe any changes in your mascara’s texture, smell, or color. These could indicate it’s time to discard it.

Eye Health: If you experience any eye infections or irritation, it’s essential to stop using the product and consult a healthcare professional.

Using New Mascara

Patch Test: If trying a new type of mascara or repair material, consider conducting a patch test on your forearm to ensure you don’t have an allergic reaction.

Label Reading: Always read the label for instructions and ingredients before applying new products near your eyes.


How to fix dried out mascara

Reviving dried-out mascara is a practical skill that every makeup enthusiast should have. Using simple household items like eye drops, saline solution, warm water, aloe vera gel, and oils, you can easily extend the life of your favorite mascara. By understanding the causes of drying out, taking preventive measures, and following the steps laid out in this guide, you can keep your mascara in optimal condition for the best application. Always prioritize safety, especially around the sensitive eye area, and enjoy the confidence that comes with perfectly applied mascara. Happy reviving!

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